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EPISODE 24 : Sports Are Stupid (with Zack Meisel and Andrew Lopez)

Full Court Press: The Pelicans Got the First Pick (and Probably Zion Williamson)

A major storyline ahead of the NBA Draft Lottery centered on the fact that whichever team won the lottery had a chance to trade the pick for Anthony Davis. Well, Anthony Davis' team won the lottery, which has the league scratching its head. Mike called our New Orleans correspondent, Andrew Lopez, to make sense of the matter.

3 on 3 Draft: The Three Best Onion Sports Headlines Involve Basketball

The satirical news site may not be known for it's hilarious sports coverage, but it ought to be. Mike and Eric draft their favorite basketball Onion Sports articles and read some truly gut-busting excerpts.


Employee Using Up Sick Days Before Leaving Company

Adam Silver Send League-Wide Memo Asking Players Where The Fuck They Want to Play

Joel Embiid Downing a Bucket of Lukewarm Shrimp In Preparation of Game 3

Duke Anthropology Professor Devastated To Learn Promising Student Dropping Out

NBA Ref Petrified After Seeing Depiction of Own Death While Looking Under Replay Hood

Report: Pickup Basketball Player Too Sweaty to Guard

That Actually Happened:  JR Smith Threw Soup at an Assistant Coach and Wild Cleveland Championship Celebrations

Last episode, Mike told the tale of scaffolding enthusiast and all-around good person, Klay Thompson. This week, the HORSE boys pull a 180 and talk about shirt hater and caricature of a human, JR Smith. They call up Cleveland sports writer, Zack Meisel, to discuss JR's soup throwing incident and shirtless championship antics.

And also:  Trajan Langdon: Manager General of the Pelicans Realm, Big Boy Spikes, Sweaty Boy Gang, Expensive Maraschino Cherries, JR Smith Body Shirts, Drinking Cleveland Dry

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